The coronavirus lock-down marches on. Another 45,043 Nevadans filed for unemployment last week, and Governor Sisolak disappeared.
There was a Sisolak sighting earlier this week as he found time in his busy schedule to criticize Mayor Goodman of Las Vegas, and Sisolak did manage to land an interview on ABC news… but for Nevadans?
In the past 7 weeks, 450,000 Nevadans have filed for unemployment. That is 450,000 families without money for food and shelter. 450,000 Nevada families that do not know if their jobs will exist come Memorial Day.
The vast majority of Nevadans have less than 1 week of reserve savings… the very definition of a paycheck-to-paycheck family. This closure is far more than an economic crisis, it is a family crisis.
While COVID-19 was an international biological disaster, the Nevada economic disaster left in its wake is man made… Sisolak made.
When Nevada needed clear communication and leadership, Sisolak has been silent. When Nevada needed metrics and a plan, Sisolak was unavailable.
Nevadans have proven a willingness to sacrifice for their friends and family. Nevadans voluntarily heeded the call the stay home. It is time to now respect Nevadans and deliver a plan forward into Phase 1 of the reopening in all places where the local government can demonstrate adherence to the only plan on the table: President Trump’s Plan.
Join me in demanding Governor Sisolak implement the President’s Reopen America Plan.